2009年4月7日 星期二


Skaraoke 成立於 2007年四月音樂融合了多種不同類型的音樂包括牙買加島國雷鬼 爵士即興演奏 和大都會流行搖滾
Musical styles include island style ska/rock steady/reggae/latin, improvisational jazz, and metropolitan popular rock.
現任成員Band Members:
阿湯 Tom (Trombone and Vocals)
至雋 Jun (Bass)
小凱 Jaco (Tenor Saxophone)
阿翔 Chan Chen(Keyboards)
儒霖 Rulin(Guitar)
John Doo (Trumpet)
鼓俠 George(Drums)



Rolling in with a big sound and even bigger hearts for Jamaican music, High Tide plays reggae, ska and live dub. A heavyweight rhythm section, soaring melodies, tight harmonies and conscious lyrics are the cornerstones of their sound. Benjamin Cunningham (USA) and Moshe Foster (USA) on Vocals and guitars, Andrew Francis (USA) on trombone, Mike Tennant (CAN) on bass and Gregory Russell (NZ) on the drums are serving a big, irie’ slice of one drop in little Taiwan.


After discussing the idea of a new reggae project in Taipei in late 2007, Moshe Foster of Public Radio fame and Andrew Francis of The Sound Clashes and Money Shot Horns, began working on potential songs and building a vision for a band.

In March of 2008, Andy got in contact with Bo Po Mo Fo bassist and long time musical partner Mike Tennant and proposed the idea. At the same time, Moshe had contacted a ferocious punk drummer named Gregory Russell. Greggo took an immediate interest in the idea and the roots of High Tide were sown.

The 4 soon recognized that while the song writing aspect was strong, their sound needed to expand. Foster enlisted the musical insight of a very talented Jesse Morden Green. Morden had the vocal, guitar and songwriting skills the band was looking for and with them their sound was complete.

They set a very ambitious goal of playing at the 2008 Spring Scream festival in April and wasted no time. Within the month, High Tide had put together a 60 minute set of originals and rare covers and had even found time to record, mix and master their own demos. They were determined to hit the ground running.

The plan worked and they were invited into the 2008 Spring Scream festival, where despite the threat of deportation due to being denied Performance Visas, High Tide performed a lively and spirited show.

Since then High Tide has been invited to a number of high profile events and festivals including The Compass Magazine Food Festival’s after party in Taichung in May, the 2008 PeaceFest in Longtan in June, the 1st and 2nd Reggae Dub Sessions at The Wall in Taipei in August and October and the recent Lost Lagoon Music Festival in Wulai during 10/10 Holiday.

Jesse recently moved to Beijing, China to begin a new chapter in his life. Replacing him on guitar is none other than Benjamin Cunningham, a blues/rock virtuoso out of Texas, USA. Ben and Jesse are very close friends and this change up has added some fresh blood and spirit to the band.



這是一個在SKA中常聽到的名詞,字面上的意思就是無理的男孩,這個字最早用來形容牙買加首都KINGSTON附近的小流氓,除了RUDE BOY之外還有別的同義字,包括RUDEBOY,RUDIE,RUDI或是RUDY,這個名詞被廣泛應用是在70末80初英國的SKA-REVIVAL(SKA復興運動,或稱作第二波SKA運動)中,泛指喜愛SKA的男男女女們,所以有RUDE BOY當然也就有RUDE GIRL,這個由THE SPECIALS與自創廠牌2 TONE帶起的運動,不僅帶動了新生代的SKA音樂風潮,同時也帶起了特有的音樂次文化,包括穿著,與具象徵性的黑白相間格子等等,也可以說是一種LIFESTYLE,後來90年代中期的第三波SKA運動(SKA-PUNK)也沿用了這個詞,來代表SKA的次文化,就像英國的MOD一樣。到了千禧年,RUDE BOY被應用的更廣,指的是喜愛街頭文化的善男信女們,意思跟GANGSTA與BADMAN有個相似的意義。

最早的RUDE BOY這個STYLE源自於60年代的牙買加首都KINGSTON,當時牙買加最紅的流行音樂是ROCKSTEADY,大家去街上的SOUNDSYSTEM SESSION或是去舞廳跳舞,都會把家裡最FASHION的行頭穿出來,大部分的人穿著合身的西裝套裝,內搭襯衫或ㄒ恤,與西裝常常是黑白配或白黑配的組合,細長的領帶,頭戴紳士帽,腳踩擦到發亮的黑皮鞋,也有穿那種黑白相間的,褲子不能太長,要露一點白襪子,吊帶通常也是必備的,有的STYLE是吊帶配背心(就掉尬啊),紳士帽一樣不能少,適合夏天,這樣的穿著其實是來自於美國幫派電影的打扮,有的則是來自爵士樂手或靈魂歌手的造型,其實差不多啦。女生的話呢,其實就是很AGOGO的打扮,就像圖片中的RUDE GIRL。

60年代的RUDE BOY通常都是些沒有工作的年輕人,但是有些SOUNDSYSTEM卻愛雇用這些個小混混,專門破壞競爭對手的場子或是器材,所以他們這種人還有個稱號叫做DANCEHALL CRASHER(之前有個SKA-PUNK團就是這名字,中文翻成舞場小霸王),所以犯罪與破壞是RUDE BOY的特色之一,音樂與文化傳到英國之後,對於SKINHEAD這種也是結合音樂穿著與LIFESTYLE的音樂次文化有著絕對的影響。SKA一直到80年代的英國才出現了專屬的舞步-SKANKING(有點像在原地跑步,重點是手跟腳要擺很高),原本都只是跳跳妞妞舞,這可是拜SKINHEAD所賜,是光頭族發明的,SKINHEAD聽起來還蠻討厭的,但至少還有一些文化上面的貢獻。